Here at Live for Today, we are constantly looking for new opportunities to provide to young adults with cancer in Northeast Florida. Whether you, a friend, or your company has resources available to provide a new opportunity, we would love to hear about it!

Do you have unused season tickets, box seats, or backstage passes to a concert or sporting event in Northeast Florida? Do you have a hobby or business that can provide exciting and unique experiences for young adult cancer patients to try? It can be as simple as surf lessons or as large as through a major sports organization. Your in-kind donation can provide a brand new experience for young adults with cancer through Live for Today.
Live for Today accepts any in-kind goods or services. If you have questions about an in-kind donation please do not hesitate to contact us.

Thank you for your interest in becoming involved with Live for Today Foundation, Inc. as a corporate partner. Your company can support our mission through corporate sponsorship, grants, gifts, event sponsorship, or a cause marketing partnership.
As a corporate sponsor, your company helps support our mission by covering some of the expenses of our program development, fundraising activities, and operations. Sponsoring a Live for Today event showcases community involvement while supporting our fundraising and awareness efforts. In a cause marketing partnership, the Live for Today logo and brand are used in joint marketing efforts with your company in order to create awareness of your support for our mission. Please contact us today to discuss your involvement with Live for Today.

Employer Gift Match
Many companies have an employer gift match program in place. Ask your employer if they would be interested in matching or even doubling your donation to Live for Today. This is a great way to get your company involved in the community and supporting the mission of Live for Today!
As an employer, establishing a gift match program can be a great way to encourage your employees to donate to charitable organizations and become involved in the community. If you have any questions about your company donating to Live for Today please contact us.